Health Visiting


Our health visiting team includes health visitors, student health visitors, community nursery nurses, student nurses and administrators.

Health visitors are qualified nurses that have completed a specialist community public health degree. Health visitors lead on the ‘Healthy Child Programme‘.

Health visitors also work in partnership with other services such as GPs, midwives, social workers, children’s centre staff, therapists, paediatricians and dieticians to name a few.

When your child goes to school, the school nursing service will take over the delivery of the healthy child programme.

Each school will have a named school nurse team.

Each school nurse team is made up of staff with different mixes of skill, and different members of the team will deliver elements of the school nurse service, according to their skills and competencies.


Good Egg Guide

We would be grateful if you could complete our short survey. Your feedback is really important and will be used to improve the resources we provide to parents. No data is shared with third parties.

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Whilst we are always very pleased to receive comments in appreciation of our services, we acknowledge that we do not always get it right. Our aim is to provide the highest standards of service and we welcome your comments and suggestions to assist us in achieving this aim.

If you have a concern, we aim to do all we can to resolve it as quickly as possible. There are a number of ways that you can help us do this.

Scroll below for more information

Please explore the following sections for more information:
Your guide to breastfeeding
Your guide to maternal mental health