Health Visiting



  • Allergies can also produce symptoms like, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and runny nose, itchy skin and rashes, swollen lips and throat, sore, red and itchy eyes, diarrhoea and vomiting. Severe symptoms, known as anaphylaxis, will require emergency medical advice and can be life threatening.
  • It is best to introduce food that is known to cause allergies one at a time, for example eggs, fish and shell fish, wheat, gluten, nuts, seeds, some berries. Though any foods can cause an allergic response or sensitivity.
  • Cows’ milk can be used in cooking from 6 months but should not be given as a drink to your baby until they are over 12 months old. So if you are breastfeeding try to continue until the baby is over 1 years old.
  • If a baby is allergic to cow’s milk they have a higher chance of being allergic to soya milk also.
  • Food containing ‘E’ numbers can cause a variety of reactions in children e.g. hyperactivity.
  • Adding salt to your babies’ food is not advisable as their bodies are not developed enough yet. Adult ready meals and adult gravy also contain salt and are not advised at this age.
  • Adding sugar their food is not advisable as it can affect their teeth development even before they have grown through their gums.
  • Artificial sweeteners are not suitable for babies. They can encourage a sweet tooth.
  • Some fish contain high levels of mercury and should be avoided i.e. shark, swordfish and marlin
  • Hard foods like whole nuts are a choking hazard
  • Honey should not be given to babies under a year old as it can contain bacteria and cause tummy upsets.
  • Babies can have full fat spreads, yoghurts and cheese. Low fat spreads aren’t advised and they require the extra nutrition
  • Foods carrying a risk of food poisoning should be avoided, raw and uncooked shellfish, mould-ripened cheese e.g. brie and camembert, soft/raw eggs.
  • Rice milk is not recommended as it has been found to contain arsenic


Click here to read Unicef Start for Life Introducing Solid Foods Leaflet

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