At around Eighteen months you can expect your child to be able to do the following:
- Walks well
- Tries to run
- Pulls toys along whilst walking
- Can walk up and down stairs holding on to an adults hand
- Scribbles with a crayon often using both hands
- Will build a tower of two-three bricks
- Turns pages two-three at a time
- Points to what they want
Social and emotional
- Starts to pretend play eg feeding teddy or dolly
- May still be afraid of strangers
- Can help to undress but not dress
- Likes to explore-no sense of danger
- Can feed self with a spoon
- Drinks from a cup, with or without a lid
Speech and language
- Understands more words
- Says several single words
- Recognises and points to parts of the body
- Points to named pictures
- Obeys simple commands e.g. bring me your shoes
- Enjoys nursery rhymes and tries to join in