At around Twelve months you can expect your child to be able to do the following:
- Sits well and gets into sitting position alone
- Pulls to stand from sitting position and can sit down again
- Walks around furniture
- May crawl or bottom shuffle
- May stand alone
- Can take socks off
- Points at objects
- Picks up small objects using a pincer grip (thumb and first finger)
- Bangs two toys together
- Puts things in containers and can take them out
- Starts to use familiar objects properly e.g. drinks from a cup, brushes hair
Social and emotional
- Upset when parent leaves
- Is afraid of strangers
- Shows affection
- When dressing, will hold out arm or foot to help
- May understand certain phrases
Speech and language
- Responds to own name
- Knows how to follow simple instructions
- Makes more meaningful sounds e.g. mamma and dada