To carry out simple instructions containing one key word.
*When carrying out the activity, a choice of objects/people should be available for the underlined words.
- Make a photograph book of the child’s preferred objects/activities or family members. Ask the child to find a picture on request e.g. ‘Where’s Mummy?’
- Make a simple posting box out of a shoe box. Present up to 3 – 5 picture cards in front of the child and ask them to put one in the box e.g. ‘Where’s the car? Put it in the box.’ If developing a child’s understanding of verbs, action pictures can be used e.g.‘Who is washing? Put it in the box.’
- Set up a washing line. Ask the child to find objects to hang on the line e.g. ‘Where’s the sock?’
- Set up a toy shop. Give the child a shopping basket and ask them to purchase individual items e.g. ‘Buy an apple’.
- Give the child a doll or teddy and a sponge. Ask them to wash body parts e.g. ‘Wash nose’ If developing a child’s understanding of verbs, ask them to make the doll jump/sit/sleep/run.