Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) defined at its simplest form is as a type of sexual abuse whereby children are sexually exploited for money, power or status. CSE typically involves a child or young person receiving things such as gifts, money, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or food in return for performing sexual activities. When CSE occurs on-line this can involve a child/ young person being persuaded, coerced or forced into posting sexually explicit images or having sexually explicit conversations via a computer or smartphone. It is common for children/ young people who are affected by CSE to possibly not recognise they are being exploited because they are receiving such gifts or they are too scared to seek help for fear of further abuse or not being believed.
It is possible that your child may attend a school nurse drop-in and a disclosure may be made which involves CSE.
In accordance with legislation and statutory guidance we will report any concerns to the local authority child protection services but will endeavour to support and keep the young person informed along the way.
If you have or are concerned that your child may be involved with CSE or would just like further information, here are a few useful numbers and websites;
Childline 08001111
BLAST! 07808 863662 (provided for boys/young men affected by CSE)
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) (online safety)